Giving Back

Did you know that a dollar from every product we sell goes back to help our global community? Yes, you are making conscious purchases with us. 

We believe in supporting our global community, paying it back and forward. Maya Angelou once said "When you learn, teach. When you get, give". And that is precisely what we want to do. 

What we try to accomplish

We want to support educational opportunities for underserved girls and women in remote and undeveloped regions of the world. Give someone their eyesight for the first time in their life and fight Breast Cancer.

To make a difference, we aim to support the small businesses in the countries that provide us with the fantastic hair remedies that we can share with you. 

How can you help

Firstly, thank you for choosing to do business with us. By purchasing products from Coco and Melon, you are paying it forward to our global community. You can spread the word that by buying products from Coco and Melon, your friends and family can be a tremendous help to different people and communities in Africa, Asia, South Pacific and in New Zealand. 

Who we give to

We support many charities in the regions of which our products are sourced. In the South Pacific, we contribute to The Fred Hollow Foundation, a fantastic organisation that aims to restore vision for the people of the South Pacific Islands and more. Did you know that 4 out 5 people are unnecessarily blind? Which means the surgery will give them vision again.

Every year,  more than 3,300 Kiwis are diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 650 will die. The money raised will help fund groundbreaking work by some of our countries top breast cancer researchers, educate people about health, and provide free support services for cancer patients and their families. 

Your donation will help fund vital research projects and medical grants to help improve survivorship, educate Kiwis on the signs and symptoms of cancer, and support patients and their families during treatment and recovery.

Thank you for wanting to help us make a difference in someone else's life. 
If you would like to donate directly to the charities, Links are provided below: 

Just so you know, we are not endorsed by the charities, we just support their causes and wanted to acknowledge them.

Thank you for reading to end (people usually don't). But since you are one in a million, would you be so kind to donate to one of our chosen charities.